baja fish report   B A C K   T O   T H E   T A I L H U N T E R   W E B S I T E   baja fish report


Saturday, April 04, 2009

PHOTO 1: Can this be? Dorado in April? Charline Oistad from the Sacramento CA area came down with her husband and brother for their first trip to La Paz and got into some nice fishing including this pair of spring dorado using live bait out of Muertos Bay. Read below...there were more than just dorado biting!


La Paz/ Las Arenas Report for week of March 29-April 4, 2009

Not sure how to describe this past week of fishing....

As I sit here at the moment looking out at the ocean, it's grey. So is the sky. The wind is screaming out've the west and I'm glad I'm not out on the water today. Weather-wise, it's been a windy and choppy week which is not uncommon for this time of the year. You definitely want a windbreaker or sweatshirt right now. Some days are flat calm, but better to have the protection and not need it than need it and not have it. Some days it starts by ripping then settles out. Sometimes not. Guys have told me they've gotten wet getting out to the fishing grounds, especially those headed north out of La Paz.


Some darned good fishing this week! Where do I start? Out've La Paz, the yellowtail continued to hammer out by the islands and at El Bajo Seamount. Mackerel and heavy iron were the ticket to these slugger fish that run into the 40 pound class. If you have a Lucky Joe rig, bring it to catch the mackerel. These are tough fish and many are getting lost to the rocks and you definitely want to use the heavy 50 and 60 pound string on these big fish!

My amigos, Steve Di Guiseppe from Ventura CA area and Gabe Martinez from Las Vegas came with dad, Ross and friend, Jess, and spent their first day pulling on the yellowtail. The next 3 days they found "the honey hole" of pargo! "Almost every drop was a hookup!" They got limits of pargo and big cabrilla almost everyday and lost many, but hauled in a bunch of fillets every day to the hotel restaurant for daily feasts that they shared with other guests.

From our Las Arenas/ Muertos fleet....

Can you say smorgasbord? What's going on? One day it was like going down a buffet line. Incredible early season fishing. Inshore, lots of sierra, roosterfish, big cabrilla and pargo were on the chew. But offshore, spots of floating squid prompted the fish to go nuts!

"We went out to the buoys with Capt. Jorge," said Rob McClean who's from California and one of our regulars who fishes with us several times a year. "We got to one and there must've been 50 dorado there! We stopped catching and releasing after awhile. Took some for the ice chest and said, let's get outta here. This is too much! We went inshore to catch pargo!"

Yes, dorado came out and big ones too! Some 30-50 pound fish (Captains estimates on the weights!) were caught but some striped marlin also were caught as well. Rumors of breezing tuna also came in, but no one was able to get on them as they seemed to traveling with fast-moving dolphin schools also jumping on some of the floating squid.

This is getting interesting! We'll keep you posted.

Happy Easter Week everyone! Be safe if you're traveling and God bless.

Jonathan and Jill

Jonathan Roldan's
Tailhunter International
Phone: (626) 333-3355
FAX: (626) 333-0115
Cell: (626) 278-1585
Mex. Cell: 044-612-114-17176
E-Mail: Riplipboy@aol.comU.S. Office: 3319 White Cloud Dr., Suite A, Hacienda Hts. CA 91745
Mexico Office: , 755 Paseo Obregon, La Paz, Baja Cal Sur,

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